
News & Events

Kaiwen Happiness Class | Seize the day, for fleeting youth never returns.

2020/02/21 作者:凯文教育


Kaiwen students are lucky and happy since the launch of the e-learning.

They are lucky because Kaiwen Well-being class plays a central role during this period; they are happy because Kaiwen well-being class is not only a class.

It is more like:

An invisible emotional belt, tying the parents and children closer,

A solid emotional support, helping children to open their heart,

An encouragement to the hard housework, guiding children to feel the pulse of life,

A window to life education, instructing children to fight against the epidemics,

A scientifically designed schedule, leading children to swim in the ocean of knowledge in limited time…


Closer Relationship Between Parents and Children

During this surprisingly long holiday, children do e-learning, while parents do distant working. The outbreak has serendipitously brought extra time for the two generations to live side by side. Kaiwen families therefore get more time to communicate, interact and enjoy the sweet time. More and more parents take off the masks of “guardian and supervisor”, becoming children’s friends again…

Parents are no longer anxious about children’s learning. They have a heart to heart talk with children. They spend quality time with children.

Children become kids again, starting to enjoy a pressure-free period with parents.



The happiest moments are the time when mom carefully listens to every idea of the children. On the cast of a video, the son is the director while mom is the greatest hero behind the scene.



Love gives us the courage and power to prevail.


G5 children bilingually discuss the story between mommy bear and her cubs. At first, children are very timid, and do not want to express themselves. But with the discussion deepening, they began to participate and talk about the responsibilities of mommy bear and little bears. Children’s spirits pick up again.



Life Education, the Maker of Happiness

True love never leaves a trace.

Kaiwen Well-being Class advocates that life is education and encourages kids to put what they have learnt into practice. We guide children to wash clothes, cook meals and do cleaning. Labor is to let kids feel the power of creating a beautiful life by themselves.

Cleaning the room with parents, doing the dishes, sweeping the floor…

Among these trivial things, we can find love, hidden in the traceless time…


Comprehensive Life education

“What changes every day is not a cold number, but people in the flesh. What stands behind each life are countless families. Every change in the number is pulling the string of Chinese people, or even people around the world.”  Dr Tedros from World Health Organization

This is a special vacation, a special spring festival, also a spring growth experience for children.

As an international school, we should let children learn from this lesson, learn valuable experience for the sustainable development for the future society. This is the responsibility of a school.

Kaiwen students have not only researched and studied the cause of this epidemic, but also expressed their thinking in various forms. For G1 students, they learned the habitat for a variety of animals, and how human beings can get along with them. Every pain is the chance for growth. Reality is the best textbook. Through constant questioning and answering, they have developed critical thinking and the right value. They are better prepared to face various possibilities in the future.

Besides routine courses, Kaiwen students also learn about coronavirus pneumonia, its contagious media and prevention measure, as well as how to love other in Kaiwen Well-being Program.


Unique Individualized Timetable

Extended holiday is a test to children’s time management skills. CKWA respects children’s personalities and needs for study. We give children the space to manage their own time, and to grow at their own pace.

We deeply understand that children’s health and growth will be forever our priority. In the environment full of love and happiness, children can restore more positive power to face difficulties in the path of growth.

Our teachers work hard day and night online to provide more rich and interesting courses for kids;

Supporting staff tirelessly collect health and travel data, and take all the efforts to do prevention work well for making enough preparation for the school opening;

Parents are multitasking, nurturing kids while having meeting.


Best wishes from CKWA students

Although what they can do is limited as children, CKWA students still try to do their best.

Dear Wuhan, please accept the best wishes from Kaiwen students!

Kaiwen students have used their way to express their wishes to Wuhan and all medical workers who hang in there. Although their works are simple, children’s wishes are genuine. They sincerely wish that we can win over this war against the virus.


The epidemics will become a history one day.

In the future, when we talk about this period, we hope we will not regret any of the decisions and arrangements that we make today. Although we have lost some time to enjoy the beautiful spring view, we once again find the seemingly long-lost love and happiness in life.

In some way, it all seems to be a blessing in disguise, is it?





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