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2020朝阳凯文答卷:非凡经历铸就成长 CKWA Report of the Year 2020

2020/12/31 作者:凯文教育

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CKWA 2020我们课程创新,夯实学术,探索未知,激发创意。





20-21大学申请季,朝阳凯文大学升学指导定期邀请名校来访凯文,给孩子最直接最全面的升学指导,助力孩子升学规划。 近期来访学校如,英国布里斯托大学、美国密歇根州立大学来访 、美国辛辛那提大学来访、伯克利音乐学院线上宣讲等。

20-21学年,基于学生的心理及学习特点,朝阳凯文将特色课程进行调整。 在小学,将原有的课外课整合到学生的常规课表当中,小学生们将在19节特色课程中,充分利用学校先进的设施,充分地享受科创、体育和艺术方面独特而丰富的资源。

学校中学部提供的课外课项目是根据IBDP国际文凭的理念设计,要求每个学生须在创意、行动、服务中选择一门课外课,让学生均衡发展。学校在本学期为中学学生提供了70余种不同创意活动课外课。这既保证学生充分的活动沉浸,也能确保学生锻造综合技能。 即使刚刚升读中学的学生,也能在CAS理念设计的课外课中收益,也为日后更好地适应DP学习奠定基础。


CKWA 每个孩子都不断探求未知,激发创意,








CKWA 他们不仅关注自身学习,也关注周遭的世界。


在同学们履行勇气、爱心、智慧与适应力品格的同时,他会被授予一定的凯文信誉积分。本学年3年级James Ren成为首次信誉积分达到 100 分的同学,我们为他所展现出的凯文精神感到自豪。







✖English version

As December 31st approaches,
it brings the year 2020 to a successful conclusion.
Time is fleeting.
We can’t keep time,
but we can make it meaningful.
In every precious moment,
there are traces of our growth.
In the year 2020, We are grateful to have you with us.

The chapter of curriculum

CKWAIn 2020, we designed new courses, laid a solid foundation in academics, explored the unknown, and sparked creative ideas.

In 2020, we designed new courses, laid a solid foundation in academics, explored the unknown, and sparked creative ideas.

On February 27, 2020, Chaoyang Kaiwen Academy received the official authorization of IBDP from the International Baccalaureate Organization and became an IB  school in the world.

In June 2020, Chaoyang Kaiwen Academy achieved a great success in university admissions. Fourteen Kaiwen Arts Program (KAP) graduates have received more than 120 offers from world-renowned universities, including Rhode Island School of Design, the Art Institute of Chicago, Parsons School of Design and Central Saint Martins School of Art. The total amount of scholarships has exceeded 800,000 yuan.

In August 2020, Chaoyang Kaiwen Academy officially opened the first class of the Kaiwen Music program. It is a full-time high school of music under the curriculum system of international school , which combines the music curriculum and the international education to provide diversified development path for student.

During the university application season of 2020-2021 , Chaoyang Kaiwen Academy has regularly invited famous universities to give children the most practical and comprehensive advice and help them to get the offer from their ideal universities. The recent visiting universities included the University of Bristol in the UK, Michigan State University in the US, University of Cincinnati in the US, as well as Berklee College of Music (online). 

In the 2020-2021 academic year, Chaoyang Kaiwen Academy adjusted the feature program according to students’ psychology and learning characteristics. In the primary school, the original ASA classes were integrated into the students’ routine class schedule. The pupils will make full use of the advanced facilities of the school during the 19 courses of the feature program, and fully enjoy the unique and rich resources in stem, sports and art. The ASA classes provided by the secondary school are designed according to the philosophy of the IBDP, which requires every student to choose an extracurricular class in CAS (creativity, action, and service) to empower students to develop in a balanced manner. In this semester, the school provided more than 70 creative extracurricular classes for secondary school students. It not only ensures that students are engaged in activities, but also helps students develop comprehensive skills. Even for the students who have just entered the secondary school , they can benefit a lot from the extracurricular classes which is based on the CAS concept. This will facilitate their adaptation to the DP curriculum in the future.

The chapter of activity

CKWAEvery child is constantly exploring the unknown, sparking the creative idea, and pushing their limits to pursue for excellence.

In September, Chaoyang Kaiwen Academy held the sports meeting as scheduled. Children strived for the best in the competition. They learnt how to face win and lose and got immersed in the charm of sports. 

On November 20th and 27th, Library Reading Nights was held in Grade one and G rade two. Each student will have two minutes to share their favorite picture books with everyone.

In December, an art feast was held in the primary and secondary school of Chaoyang Kaiwen Academy. Art is displayed in various forms on campus, such as drama, dance, music, and pictures.

On December 2nd and 3rd, the primary school visited the Aquarium, Beijing Latitude, Nangong Wuzhou Botanical Park, Natural History Museum and National Museum according to grades. The secondary school visited the Palace Museum, Aquarium, Shanxi Merchants Museum, and 798 Art Exhibition. At the same time, students in Grade 7 went to the cinema and watched the women’s volleyball movie “Win the Championship” that touched generations of Chinese people. 

The annual Christmas singing competition came to a successful conclusion. The students rival on the stage with singing, standing by their own houses (divided into six houses, including dolphin, lion, tiger, orca, butterfly and panda).

The chapter of character

CKWAThey not only focus on learning, but also care about the world around them.

Striving for the progress of themselves and others, they are world citizen with strong responsibility.

When students put their courage, love, wisdom and adaptability into practice, they will be awarded with certain points of Kaiwen credit.  James Ren in Grade three became the first student with a credit score of 100 in the 2020-2021 academic year. We are so proud of him.

On September 17th, the “Odd Socks Festival” was held in Chaoyang Kaiwen Academy. The students could wear two socks that did not match under the formal school uniform. They use strange socks as a metaphor and symbol to show their support to the anti-bullying activities and support to those who dare to be unique and be themself .

In September, the charity fundraiser activity raised nearly 40,000 yuan for the first time. It takes   the Student Union half a year to plan this activity. Gong Yuankun, the leader of the student union, led volunteers from different grades to bring us an audiovisual feast. And all the raised money  was donated to the Bethel Love Blind Children Welfare in Beijing.

In November, after the swimming marathon started in  Chaoyang Kaiwen Academy, 169 students from the secondary school signed up and all the children swam 78,414 meters in total. With the support of their parents, the secondary school raised more than  20,000 yuan for the charity, Xiaoshuzhu, which provides intensive care, medical treatment, medicine and education for the abandoned children.

This is the second year that the Wish Tree Project is held in  Chaoyang Kaiwen Academy. On November 26th, the leaders of the secondary school student council went to the primary school for migrant workers’ children to collect the wishes of the students and make donations for them.

2020, many thanks for having you with us.

2021, we keep moving forward. 

In September, the charity fundraiser activity raised nearly 40,000 yuan for the first time. It takes   the Student Union half a year to plan this activity. Gong Yuankun, the leader of the student union, led volunteers from different grades to bring us an audiovisual feast. And all the raised money  was donated to the Bethel Love Blind Children Welfare in Beijing.

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 北京市朝阳区凯文学校

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