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在建校不到三个学年的时间里,朝阳凯文已获得剑桥全学段课程授权、英国BTEC课程认证以及国际文凭组织IBDP项目授权,硬核学术备受关注(过往文章:重磅喜讯| 朝阳凯文获IBDP授权,连续三年获国际认可)。




Part 01


国际学校联盟CIS(Council of International Schools) 建立初衷是为了推动高质量国际教育的发展。CIS是全球学校评估和认证领域的领导者,它的国际认证也被认为是国际教育行业最严格、最权威的认证之一


CIS认证需要五年的时间,且通过率低。因此它的质量和严谨性被世界各地的教育部和大学所高度认可,充分证明了一所学校对高质量国际教育的承诺,更意味着CIS 成员学校毕业的学生也会受到全世界大学的欢迎


Part 02




  • CIS认证作为必要的标准,表明朝阳凯文的教育达到世界一流水平

  • CIS国际认证的质量和严谨性被世界各地的教育部和大学所认可,意味着CIS 认证学校毕业的学生也会受到全世界大学的欢迎

  • 朝阳凯文为升入高中的同学们提供三种选择途径:学术路线遵循IB路线,艺术路径可以选择凯文艺术班(KAP)或者凯文音乐班(KMP)进行学习深造。学校也希望通过CIS认证,为凯文的多路径发展得到更多官方认可

  • CIS认证学校,引进高质量的员工,促进世界范围内的学生交流,给学生和家长提供高质量的国际教育体验等方面有着得天独厚的优势


Part 03


根据CIS申请流程,从学校递交多轮材料,到成为CIS成员学校、CIS认证候选学校,到最终拿到CIS 认证学校,至少需要在五年时间,并就以下九个方面进行多轮评估和现场考察学校的目标和方向、学校的治理和领导、课程、教学、学生的学习和福祉、教职员工、合同&住宿安排、社区与家庭伙伴、寄宿。


Part 04



国际学校联盟(Council of International schools)是以同行评估的方式进行的,评估老师来自被CIS认证学校的世界各地国际教育工作者组成,对新申请认证的学校进行评估。被认证的评估老师均是具有丰富国际教育经验的从业者,能够从专业的角度给出学校更多切实可行的方案和建议。

朝阳凯文学校增益课程总监Farah, 已获得CIS评估团队的认证,是CIS评估小组中的一员,并多次在CIS评估小组中访问亚洲的各种国际学校。Farah熟悉CIS的各项流程和标准。此次申请将由Farah进行主导,她的经验可以更好的帮助朝阳凯文完成CIS认证。





朝阳凯文的课程设置达到CIS标准:朝阳凯文所有9-10年级的学生都要参加剑桥IGCSE全球视角课程(GP),这是一门开发学生跨学科转换技能的课程,包括从多个角度批判性地思考一系列全球问题。6-8年级的学生会开始学习综合的人文类课程,其中包括介绍IGCSE 和DP的课程基础。这些课程的设置都很好的符合CIS的宗旨和目标。







我们有关注学生全面发展的特色课:学校设立的“凯文特色课程”是朝阳凯文学校全人教育的重要组成部分。小学将科创、艺术和体育特色学科(每周高达19节)融入常规课程,中学秉承国际文凭CAS (创意、行动、服务)的教育理念为中学生提供逾70种严谨均衡的课外课,助力学生领导力与创造力发展。



认证只是漫长征途的始点, 而为学生提供一个治学严谨、世界一流且为世界顶尖高等学府所高度认可的学术项目,才是凯文社区不变的坚持和初心。

Since its founding, CKWA has had a big ambition to provide students with a rigorous, world-class academic program that is highly recognized by the world’s top institutions of higher learning.

In less than three academic years, it has received important international accreditation for three. The academy are well recognized.

  • In February 2020 ,obtain the authorization of IBDP to become an IBO World School

  • In July 2019, obtained the BTEC course certification authorized by the UK Business and Technology Council

  • In December 2018, obtain the authorization of Cambridge International Examinations Centre for the full course of study,and become Cambridge International School

Now CKWA has launched a new accreditation, CIS International School Alliance, to provide students with the greatest international education program, which will pave the way for students to succeed step by step, and continue to grow into a better international school.

What is CIS?

CIS (Council of International School) is a global non-profit organization founded to promote the development of high quality International education. The Council of International schools is a leader in the field of school evaluation and accreditation worldwide. They provide a unique international accreditation with a focus on student learning and global citizenship. To date, more than 530 CIS member schools have been granted accreditation. The quality and rigour of CIS International Accreditation is recognized by ministries, departments of education, and universities around the world as demonstration of a school’s commitment to high quality international education which also means that students from CIS schools will be welcomed by universities around the world.

What are the benefits of applying for CIS accreditation?

At CKWA, we are currently in our fourth year of operation as a bilingual international school and believe that we have developed many of the systems, policies, and educational frameworks for leading the school as it continues to grow.

Applying for CIS accreditation will be a milestone in the development of the community of Kaiwen:

CIS standards will serve as the necessary lenses from which to view our progress against international benchmarks.

The quality and rigour of CIS International Accreditation is recognized by ministries, departments of education, and universities around the world, which also means that students from CIS schools will be welcomed by universities around the world.

We offer three pathways for our graduating students: a Scholastic route following the IB Diploma program and a Talent pathway, which branches into the Kaiwen Art Program (KAP) and the Kaiwen Music Program (KMP). We now desire recognition of the credibility for the unique pathways that our graduates have followed through achieving CIS accreditation.

How long does it take to get CIS accreditation?

According to the CIS application process, a school must complete a number of steps within five years to be officially awarded CIS accreditation:

What are the advantages of applying for CIS accreditation?

  • Rich experience

The Council of International schools uses a peer-based model for evaluating schools on their journey to meeting internationally agreed standards. CIS brings together international educators from across the world of CIS-accredited schools to serve on evaluation team visits.

Farah, the Director of Enrichment Program in CKWA, has been trained and became an evaluation team member,  she have served on numerous CIS Evaluation Team visits to various international schools in Asia.  Farah is familiar with CIS processes and standards. This application will be led by Farah, whose experience can help CKWA get the CIS accreditation.

  • Agree with the key drivers of CIS

Diverse culture: We have a diverse staff on campus, where the balance between international and Chinese Teachers and Leaders is approximately 1-1.5. Our bilingual co-leadership and co-teaching models facilitate and enrich our learners’ educational experiences.

Curriculum: All students in Grades 9-10 take the Cambridge IGCSE in Global Perspectives (GP), a cross-curricular course that develops our students’ transferable skills, including thinking critically about a range of global issues from more than one point of view. Students in Grades 6-8 follow an integrated Humanities program, which includes an early introduction to some of the learning goals from the IGCSE DP course.

Cultivate Global Citizenship: In addition to the curriculum, the school provides many opportunities and encourages students to get involved in community activities and improve their sense of global citizenship. For example, the student union has held a charity event for migrant school during Christmas for two years in a row. Students spontaneously organized a charity performance, raising nearly 40,000 yuan for the welfare home for blind children…

As a unique elite school, CKWA aims to train young people to be open-minded, inquisitive, courageous, reflective, principled and caring citizens, which is highly consistent with the goal of CIS.

  • Beyond the standards of CIS

CIS also pays attention to teaching and learning and student well-being. At CKWA, we believe that learning continues beyond the classroom.

Enrichment Program: our school introduced the role of the Director of Enrichment Program, who works with the Learning Support departments to develop the CKWA Wellbeing and Assemblies program, as well as oversees our Feature Program, ASAs, school trips and activities, the calendar and focus week events. CKWA lead weekly assemblies with different topics, e.g. Anti-bullying Week, Mental Health Week, and Earth Day. Our Wellbeing program is designed to raise our learners’ understanding of and voices within areas such as personal safety, environmental protection, equality and discrimination, and learning in society.

Well-being program: The well-being program led and launched by Principal Xu focuses on the happiness and health of students and parents, and provides more support for growing intelligent parents.

Feature Program: The “Kaiwen Feature Program” is an important part of the holistic education in Chaoyang Kaiwen Academy. Primary schools incorporate science and technology, arts and physical education (up to 19 classes per week) into their regular curriculum, while secondary schools, guided by CAS (creativity, action, service) philosophy of IBDP, offer more than 70 rigorous and balanced extra-curricular courses to help students develop their leadership and creativity.

These are our strengths and the foundation of a quality international education at CKWA.

Accreditation is only the beginning of a long journey, but providing students with a rigorous, world-class academic program that is highly recognized by the world’s leading institutions of higher learning is what the Kaiwen community has been committed to.


本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 北京市朝阳区凯文学校
