










说起儿童保护,暴力、虐待与忽视的问题在全球普遍存在,这些问题会影响儿童的发展和身心健康。传统观念认为家庭中发生的事是私事,与此同时,对孩子进行严苛管教是社会普遍接受的教育方式。这些社会文化和传统观念影响了包括专业工作者在内的社会大众对暴力侵害儿童问题的态度和认识。 在本周,Andrew Leale副校长就儿童保护方面和大家分享了他的宝贵经验。学校里,所有员工都要对任何虐待或者忽视的迹象警惕保持警惕。这些迹象可能指身体迹象,如伤痕、体重减轻等;也可以是行为迹象,行为迹象,如情绪变化,流泪,沉默寡言或者提不起兴趣;甚至是仪表迹象,如未洗涤的脏衣服。而有一些迹象则很难注意到,但是老师最了解自己的学生。如果有情况感觉不对,很有可能有情况发生。作为教育工作者,我们一定要时刻保持警惕,对于已经发生的情况,认真提问,积极求助,及时转介到专门机构。




随后,小学部Emma校长和中学部王富丽校长分别就小学及初中的学期计划、预期目标、人员安排进行分享。同时各学部的课程协调员,也对我校中西融合的课程体系进行解读。各学科教师进行教学经验分享。拥有多年国际教育领域管理经验的客座讲师Richard Mast先生,也对于帮助外籍教师理解中国的国际课程和中国的学生、家长,提供了他的独特见解。





I believe everything starts from interest in which way that teachers love to devote their efforts to teach as well as students eager to learn. When it comes to language learning, knowing the culture behind a language might be the first and foremost thing we should put in mind. I would love to try my best to help my students get interested into this culture and consequently improve themselves in English learning.

                                                                                                                                     —Sunny Wang

Hi! I am Joyce Gao. When I was a student, one of my teachers influenced me a lot. He showed me that a teacher didn’t equal to being boring, stubborn or endless homework, a teacher could also be friendly, fun and really make a different to a student’s whole life. So now I wish I could be a teacher like this. In my opinion, a good teacher is more like a tour guide rather than a gardener, the old-fashioned metaphor. So that the students may enjoy the beautiful scenery along the journey of study. After years of teaching overseas, I finally came back to my hometown Beijing. I feel that Chaoyang Kaiwen is a very warm and welcoming family. Hopefully we will have a good time teaching and learning here together.

                                                                                                                                     —Joyce Gao

My name is Swhendhy Cantave. I have been in Beijing for 5 years and I am excited to start the school year at Chaoyang KaiWen Academy. When working in a bilingual school it is important to respect student’s culture while working towards building their confidence to learn in a second language. I believe as a teacher it is my responsibility to help guide students in there academic, social and emotional growth. I look forward to meeting the students and their parents. In order for students to be successful; teachers, students and parents must work together.

                                                                                                                                 —Swhendhy Cantave

Children are the future, and I want to help them become prepared for the world that’s in front of them. CKWA has a family-like structure that is supportive and enriching, and that is difficult to find in a school nowadays.Your young students are in great hands here. Trust us as much as we trust them.

                                                                                                                                 —Jessi Edmonds

I want to fully tap the potentiality of students and motivate them to enjoy learning. I appreciate the international academic environment with collaboration with experienced teachers both local and international.Be yourself and together we will achieve better.

                                                                                                                                 —Lisa Li




