微软编程一小时,为孩子的数理思维“添码行空” Microsoft Coding Hour












小学部的信息技术的课程老师Candy Lin老师分享到,今年学校3-5年级的信息课程中,引进了创意编程的学习,丰富了数字多媒体的运用,融合了国际计算机教师协会CSTA标准和义务教育标准相结合的课程体系,帮助孩子掌握适应其年龄段的信息技术,也帮助提升孩子们的数理思维。


“Rock, paper, scissors!

“I won!


Students shook their hands and change the shape among rock, paper, and scissors in front the LED screen,  they enjoy themself playing ecah other.

Students in Grade 5 was participating in the “a coding hour” activity  organized by Microsoft company


In the activity, the students used Microbit chip to learn how to program LED lights. Through calculation, they worked out the light and shade effects in different positions. Finally, they made the neon sign named and designed by themself.


Not only that, the students also used the acceleration sensor to put the program finished on the computer program into the LED screen, and add variables to make a small game which could be called the electronic version of “rock, paper, scissors” game.

Jian Jia, a fifth-grade student, found it so interesting and made her realize the myriad possibilities of programming. Zhang Qizheng said that the teacher helped him solve the programming problems patiently. Zhang Congyue said she felt very proud when she saw the heart she had designed lit up on the LED screen.


In the process, the students combined software programming with hardware programming, engaged in hardware programming and benefited a lot.


Candy Lin, an IT teacher of primary school,  told us that CKWA introduced creative programming learning  for 3 to 5 grade in IT course of 2021, which adopts a blended curriculum combined CSTA standard and compulsory education standard and could gives full play of  digital multimedia. This kind of IT course could help children learn IT fitting their ages and  improve children’s mathematical thinking.

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 北京市朝阳区凯文学校
